Nutrigold D
60 Capsules
For diabetes mitigation and prevention
A blend of Chinese herbal ingredients engineered not only to naturally help reduce blood sugar levels, but also to help regenerate the pancreatic functions and the endocrine system. With a healthy endocrine system, our body can naturally stabilise hormones and regulate a healthy blood sugar level.
Discover our research behind our products
Laboratory tested and scientifically proven to a high degree
Mechanism of ND-60

Regeneration of the Pancreatic β Cell
The pancreatic beta cells are endocrine cells in the pancreas that produce, store and release the hormone insulin. In cases of Type I Diabetes, Beta cells are damaged and thus produce little or no insulin. Without enough insulin, glucose builds up in the bloodstream instead of going into the cells. This buildup of glucose in the blood is called hyperglycemia. The body is unable to use the glucose for energy. Nutrigold D helps to regenerate the function of the Beta Cells through the conversions of islet cells into Beta cells, allowing for a regulated production of Insulin.
Author last name, first name. “Title of Article.” Name of Publication, month date, year. URL if applicable.

Acts as α-glucosidase (Alpha-glucosidase) inhibitor
Targeted for Type II Diabetes, Nutrigold D helps to inhibit and delay the absorption of glucose within carbohydrates from the small intestine and thus has a lowering effect on postprandial blood glucose and insulin levels.

玉竹 Yu Zhu
Polyganati Rhizoma
High adaptogenic componenets that helps reduce stress and anxiety, reduce inflammation, discomfort, and swelling as well as having antitumor activity.

三七 Sān Qī
Pseudo Ginseng Radix
High adaptogenic componenets that helps reduce stress and anxiety, reduce inflammation, discomfort, and swelling as well as having antitumor activity

川芎 Chuān Xiōng
Ligusticum Wallichii
Improve blood circulation, natural pain reliever, and inhibit and its mechanism is related to the inhibition of HIF-1 and EMT-related molecule expression.

骨淮山 Gu Huai Shan Yao
Radix Dioscoreae Oppositae
Radix Dioscorea Opposita in the results of the study showed that Dioscoreae Opposita had the potential to increase glucose disposal in diabetic rats (Fan et al., 2015).

白朮 Bái Zhú
Atractylodes Macrocephalagus
Provide a clinivcally effective natural remedy for the treatment of cancer with active components that promote paclitaxel sensitization.
Frequently Asked Questions
How do I take ND-60?
The dosage prescribed differs according to the advancement of cancer development.
*Lihat tabel diatas untuk dosis sesuai pemeriksaan gula darah
However, rest assured that our products have been clinically tested to have negligible side effects when taken below 12 500mg/Kg Bodyweight. For example, if you are 100kg, you would have to take 12 500 x 100 = 1 250 000mg (over 3000 capsules) per day to experience intoxication.
Are there any side effects to ND-60?
The clinical trial done by the faculty of pharmacy, Universitas Gadjah Mada, stated that “The acute toxicity value of Chang Sheuw Tian Ran Ling Yao Capsule was very low (or minimal almost non-toxic with LD50 >12500mg/kg body weight) and the spectrum of toxic effects of the phytopharmaca was considered negligible.”
When will I feel the effects of ND-60?
Around 2-3 months into the treatment, patients should be able to start to see initial progress (lab testing is suggested). ND-60 is 100% natural. Therefore the effects of herbal therapy will not present as fast as their chemical counterparts.
Who is ND-30 for?
Everyone looking to boost their systemic health as a means of prevention, and everyone diagnosed with cancer.
Is ND-60 compitable with other medications and supplements?
ND-60 works as an effective complement to chemically induced cancer treatment, such as chemotherapy and radiotherapy. ND-60 should also be safe to consume with daily vitamins and supplements; however, mixing ND-60 with other herbal therapy should be taken cautiously and consulted with a specialist beforehand.
Is it safe to comsume ND-60 while I’m pregnant / breastfeeding?
Yes it is.
How do I store my ND-60?
To prevent any quality loss, store at a dry place with room temperature (around 22-25 degree celcius), away from direct sunlight.
Do you ship internationally?
Yes, we are certified with ISO9001, the international standard that specifies requirements for a quality management system (QMS).
Consult our specialists for more product information, treatment plan, suggested diets, and any burden you need to share.
We strive to provide the best palliative care for cancer treatment, let us be by your side through your journey